Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Back in New York...

Why do i do this to myself? why do i leave the calmness and serenity (i know i know) of my house. i'm sitting in a dunkin donuts on lawn guyland enjoying a cup of coffee and my book this morning, when all of a sudden, this woman goes off on the guy behind the counter because she paid for a coffee and a ham and egg croissant and didn't get the croissant. i mean, she wasn't nice one bit. i felt like telling her off, but didn't. now this poor guy behind the counter wasn't saying much at all, then suddenly lifted his hand which contained a bag which contained her fucking egg sandwich. he was getting it ready for her, as unfortunately in this world, things don't magically appear when you ask for them (i wish i had a million dollars i wish i had a million dollars). SEE! she snatches the fucking bag out of his hands, and without a thank you, storms out. now, my urge to bitch slap this woman was huge. how on earth is her day going to go if it started out like this. i hope she wasn't a teacher.

God i can't wait to get home.



Friday, March 24, 2006

Traveling Blog...

So I'm headed home for a visit, and have written this site and my cell phone number on the back window of my truck. I have 10 hours, and will hopefully get some calls which in turn, I will post here. now, if you're one of the people who called, and spoke with mrbadmood, check back in about a week.

Oh, by the way... what the fuck is up with powerade offering a "low carb" version of their sports drink? as a marathoner and athlete ( i know, down down for admitting that) we need carbs. i'm sick and tired of this low carb crap. i eat and drink what i want, and i'm pretty damn thin. do some exercise people. that said, GRRRRRRR


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Damn it MEG!

I can"t believe Edgar died either! Why did you have to tell me! i'm just at the episode where Jack saved the people in the mall. ARGH!!!!!!!! I need a drink! Oh the humanity... What a world, What a world......


Monday, March 13, 2006


Originally uploaded by mpyre9.
i need to lighten up the last few posts. so have a lollypop and puppydog day. XOXOXO

Mr. Good Mood

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Later Bitches...

I'm a bazillionaire!!!! got this in my inbox today. hmmmmm, what to do?

From: The director of the Prize Award Department
Reference number: EG/38807886091/05
Batch number: 340/1608/RDL

Re: Award Notification of Final Notice

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the CARDIFF LOTTERY ORGANIZATION British sweepstakes lottery International promotion UK programmed held on the 7th MARCH 2006 Your email address attached to the ticket number 033-1146993-750 with serial number 13-15-16-21-34-36, which consequently won the lottery in the 3rd category.

You have therefore been awarded the lump sum of £1.5MILLION (ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND BRITISH POUNDS STERLING) in cash credited to file number EG/38807886091/05.This is from the total cash prize off £15,000,000.00(FIFTEEN MILLION BRITISH POUNDS STERLING) which is being shared among Ten international lucky winners in this category. Your funds are deposited with a security company, which will be insured in your name once you contact us.

All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 25,000 email addresses from all over the world as a part of our international promotional program, which we conduct twice annually. We hope that with a part of your prize, you will take part in our end of year high stake 3bn lottery.
All prize money must be claimed no later than 14days from the date of this notice, as after this date, all funds will be returned to CARDIFF LOTTERY ORGANIZATION as unclaimed.
To file for your claim, please contact our financial agent:

ALTERNATIVE EMAIL:cardifforg2006@yahoo.co.uk
Tel: 44-7031-946-936.
FAX: 0044-70304-00042
International: 44-7031-946-936.
For Further Assistant please call your international
Directory in your country


ok, 6 days ago, a muslim man drove his suv onto the university campus i live near. he took down (though not fatally) 7 or 9 people. his reason? he wanted to "punish the government of the United States for their actions around the world," well shit asshat, you really punished us. have fun getting pounded in the ass in prison. how the fuck would you feel if someone, anyone plowed through your village in youreadickistan in the name of peace? you god damned self ritious fuckwad. your actions only anger us, and make you look worse. shit, take a gun to your head for your god first. rid this planet of your assinine views. now i'm not saying don't have your beliefs, but shit man, what the hell were you thinking? so this one's for you mr. mohammed reza tahiri-azar, you fucking stupid ass 22-year-old Iran native and unc graduate. way to make your culture proud.

this dick rented the jeep and told authorities he drove a rented Jeep Grand Cherokee because it had four-wheel drive and could "run things over and keep going,"
nice work pussy!

now, to the rest of you iranians/muslims/radicals, whatever and whoever you are. you want to make peace, then denounce this man's (and i use that term very loosly), and every other radical's actions. this would make me happy. i'll be waiting by the phone for your call.

damn i'm pissy today.


some parents are stupid (but not mine)

so ok, i work in a school, and love it most days. i was raised well, and try to be a good person. i try not to judge, but damn if some parents in my building don't need a good ass kicking. here's the deal... if you drive a piece of crap buick with rust spots, peeling paint, and part of the roof fabric hanging down, DONT PUT FUCKING BLING SPINNERS ON YOUR RIDE! shit asshole, your kids smell like smoke every day, and i'm running out of money buying them poptarts for breakfast cause they haven't eaten yet. just because you're poor doesn't mean you have to look like trash. raise your kids right, or give them to me. they'll have a roof, some discipline, and food in their belly. for christ's sake, don't you know they will follow in your backwards ass redneck footsteps?

sometimes i just want to kick the shit out of some people!


How must it feel to know you're going to die young?

I go to this bank near my house every once in a while to deposit my huge check. there is a woman, a teller there who must be close to 300 pounds. she is obviously unhealthy, and it shows. so i'm there the other week, and she had the task of getting the money out of the atm, which is outside. the walk to the machine seemed to pain her, and as she was wearing a mu mu dress i was able to see her lower legs. i was very saddened, and distressed by the sight. she was red and raw from calf to ankle. eczema? diabetes? blood clots? i have no idea, but every step she took she winced in pain. once back behind the counter, she couldn't sit down as her chair was too high so she could see over the counter. she had to stand, which obviously wasn't easy for her. what i wonder is if she knows she will not live a long and happy life. if she understands that whatever medical and weight issues she's dealing with are going to cut her life short.
