Friday, January 27, 2006


daring in my mind, yet afraid to do anything about it. i envy those who can solve their problems. those who throw caution to the wind and just go for it. those who live for now and know that it may not work out. i need something to open me up and extract that drive. anyone? bueler, bueler?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

mr. braille's birthday

so today i lauch google, the omnipotent web browser, and am greeted with the top banner written in braille. i love when they do this. i quickly picked up my phone, (650) 253-0000 and after getting their computer voice, decided to contact someone by last name. now, not knowing anyone there, i started with smith... no one there named smith. then i tried jones, you guessed it, no jones. finally i figured there had to be a rosen-something there, so i typed rosen. i had three choices and chose jesse rosenstock. unfortunately, he wasn't there so i left him a message saying that i was a blind man, and was told google was written in braille today. i then asked him why i couldn't feel it. i'm awaiting a call back.
