Thursday, March 09, 2006


ok, 6 days ago, a muslim man drove his suv onto the university campus i live near. he took down (though not fatally) 7 or 9 people. his reason? he wanted to "punish the government of the United States for their actions around the world," well shit asshat, you really punished us. have fun getting pounded in the ass in prison. how the fuck would you feel if someone, anyone plowed through your village in youreadickistan in the name of peace? you god damned self ritious fuckwad. your actions only anger us, and make you look worse. shit, take a gun to your head for your god first. rid this planet of your assinine views. now i'm not saying don't have your beliefs, but shit man, what the hell were you thinking? so this one's for you mr. mohammed reza tahiri-azar, you fucking stupid ass 22-year-old Iran native and unc graduate. way to make your culture proud.

this dick rented the jeep and told authorities he drove a rented Jeep Grand Cherokee because it had four-wheel drive and could "run things over and keep going,"
nice work pussy!

now, to the rest of you iranians/muslims/radicals, whatever and whoever you are. you want to make peace, then denounce this man's (and i use that term very loosly), and every other radical's actions. this would make me happy. i'll be waiting by the phone for your call.

damn i'm pissy today.



Blogger Heidi Flash said...

Know what REALLY gripes my ass??? The f'kr is SMILING in his picture on the front page. Like he is soooo f'n proud of his self. He definately needs a cactus shoved up his ass.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I regret that I don't have that long to make some really good comments, but I'm taking a stab at it, since I've a little bit of time, and that I was talking about Mo' to someone not just an hour ago.

I knew the guy, he was a good guy, and is a good guy. You seem not to grasp the full gravity of the whole situation. In a few words it's utterly tragic. Our foreign policy is tragic. Our gov't is killing, engagin in war in our name. The UN has declared the war in Iraq as illegal. The idea of pre-emptive war is something Hitler espoused.

His actions at the 'pit' are full of symbolism. The pit is the heart of the UNC campus, if a protest is to occur at UNC, it either happens in the quad or in the pit. The pit i suppose is more reserved for student type protests. There's a pretty long rich history of student action occuring in the pit.

You seem not to get that Mo' (that was his nickname) was American. He emmigrated from Iran at a very young age. He group up in Charlotte. He was a very symbol of what is great in American society, he graduated Vale'dictorian (sp?) from his Charlotte Highschool. Graduated from UNC, was accepted for a doctorate program at another University. He volunteered at UNC hospitals (i think doing something related to ER work), he dedicated several hours a week, for several years doing this. He was a very commendable person, very intelligent.

In my opinion it seems pretty clear what happened: he felt that peaceful protest had nothing to offer, that it would garner no attention, and it probably would have not.

Our government certainly won't and possibly can't reverse it's foreign policy that is spurring hatred towards America.

He thus felt that violent political protest, that commiting an act of v.p.p, was more important than his own life. We are taking innocent lives overseas in the world, maybe not intentionally (sometimes, there have been deaths in US prisons abroad, the cause being homicide). The whole Abu-ghraib thing, secret prisons, engaging in torture. There is a lot to protest. Personally I believe in the philosophy of great ppl like MLK jr, and ghandi, but at this point, peaceful protest has not been effective, not well organized, and overall has not accomplished very much.

Know that Mo' knew exactly what he was doing, he had though in great detail what the reaction would be. I do not know whether he was trying to spark a war, or whether he was trying to motivate the anti-war movement.

I am glad however that you did not call him a terrorist. If he is, we are screwed as a society, only a fascist police state could have come close to preventing his actions. He was an America, not born, but raised. He was an American citizen. I don't recall him having much recollection of his birth country Iran.

He probably was pretty disgusted at the decadence of American society. We take SO much for granted. It is rare in the world (other than Western Europe and N. America north of Mexico), rare for there to be electricity 24/7, to have drinkable water come from your faucet. We are really screwing up the environment, and we don't care because we're making money in the process. We don't care being the large corporations that now more or less run this country. And the ppl who don't care are too powerless to do anything...

The wierdest thing is that what he did is so contradictory to his character. His high-school friends say that he wouldn't let them kill spiders. He was really gentle... Also an excellent driver. It is surprising that after he flipped out that he was not more lethal. And i'm serious about the excellent driver, it is probably a miracle that ppl were able to get out of the way. Cars was a huge thing in high school, and he def knew how to drive better than 98% of drivers out on the road.

I hope this gave you some context, and that you might think more about what this all means, rather than glossing over it, and pretending that he had no legitamite greivances. Pretending that he did it at random, for no reason. Frankly he had reason, plenty of it, it is atrocious what this gov't is currently doing, in the name of the american people none the less. It is easy to gloss over it, and not realize that there is a profound depth to the whole issue, and that maybe he wasn't all wrong in what he did.
Maybe had he been more lethal, then we would appreciate more the consequences of collateral damage that WE are causing.
And I suppose really that was his goal, that nothing other than an eye-for-an-eye action was the only thing that would have any impact. He knew he couldn't stop the war and killing, and that the only thing he could possibly do was show us, to a small degree, how it feels to have innocent people taken away from you.

1:43 PM  

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