Thursday, March 09, 2006

some parents are stupid (but not mine)

so ok, i work in a school, and love it most days. i was raised well, and try to be a good person. i try not to judge, but damn if some parents in my building don't need a good ass kicking. here's the deal... if you drive a piece of crap buick with rust spots, peeling paint, and part of the roof fabric hanging down, DONT PUT FUCKING BLING SPINNERS ON YOUR RIDE! shit asshole, your kids smell like smoke every day, and i'm running out of money buying them poptarts for breakfast cause they haven't eaten yet. just because you're poor doesn't mean you have to look like trash. raise your kids right, or give them to me. they'll have a roof, some discipline, and food in their belly. for christ's sake, don't you know they will follow in your backwards ass redneck footsteps?

sometimes i just want to kick the shit out of some people!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hear you.
Also a professional here. Blows my mind that lotto ticket money, along with money for entertainment, smokes and booze supersedes lunch money or rent.

What the hell is wrong with these selfish people?!

I, too, get frustrated. Want to give them my last $6 for some food and pocket change. I used to, stopped because well, it's different when you offer as opposed to when they ask, don't you think?

We're a lot a like. Glad to have found you :D

9:46 AM  

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