Saturday, June 11, 2011

Orange County Social Club

Hey douche bartender from last night... you really think you are important enough to throw a paper airplane at? Yeah it's bad grammar but shut the fuck up. So, heaven forbid that a small airplane gets thrown, and taps you on your shoulder. you think it was about you? get over yourself. and then, to come over and complain instead of just laughing it off, and then to ask what we would do if you threw a bottle at our heads, you think that's funny? i should have told you that if you did that, i would jump over the counter faster than you knew, and make you regret even walking over to us. hopefully you'll get the sand out of your vagina for tonights crowd. douche.


Friday, June 10, 2011

NC Orthopaedic Clinic

First off, with my whole heart I mean this sincerely... FUCK YOU!

So i have a running injury which has bugged me for quite some time. i finally decided to get an mri and xrays from NC Ortho. don't ask what it cost. a few weeks later I was called to set up an appointment. Appointment was made for over a month later. a week before the appointment, they called and cancelled. I asked them if I could just have the doctor, Dr. P, call me and let me know the results. Save both of us some time. i was told that the doctor wanted me to come in so we could discuss a treatment plan (and collect 65 more dollars). I couldn't make an appointment just then, so called back a few weeks later, and rescheduled for the 27th of this month. Today, at 4:30ish, they call again to cancel. Sons of Bitches! I let them have it. I told them that this was the second time they had cancelled on me, and I didn't work that way. They apologized and asked if i would like to reschedule, which i couldn't do at the time. I told them that i have schedules to keep and i want them to have the doctor call me to reschedule. we'll see what happens. Mr. BadMood came out swinging today. Grrrrr.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Son of a Son of a!

So, if I pay rent for something, say a parking lot, that is posted no parking unless it is for my business, not only at the entrance but at the three spots designated for my place of business... don't give me a fucking attitude when i kindly remind you that you are in my spots. not only that, but if you decide to park in say, 2 of my three spots, you'd better as hell not give me any lip. i am so close to the edge of smashing in your effing windows because you think i am in the wrong. i'll tell you right now assholes, i'm saving you a 150 dollar tow fee fucktard. at least have the honor to apologize, and don't do it again. and by the way... getting into a "whatever" pissing match in front of your kid is not the way to win father of the year dick!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mr. Badmood is dead... For today

We own a shop, what kind doesn't matter. I am sitting in the pizza place next door which is owned by 2 sons and their mom. They have been here for 30 years so must be doing something right. They have known our daughter since she was three years old, and consider her family. Nonna, our daughter's Italian grandmother is currently holding, playing, singing, laughing with our daughter. Our daughter is so loved by this new family I cannot be mr. badmood today.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thank you Ross Simon

I am so very thankful that you are willing to let me buy some diamond studs for only $5,000 dollars while saving me $17,000. I am so thankful for you.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Son of a DishWasher!

Starting this one with a GRRRRRRRRR! Previous post... Selling house. Now that you're all caught up... The other day our dishwasher stopped working. This dishwasher has been on the outs for a while, but still works thanks to my amazing skillz. so My lovely informs me of the no workie, and remembering the wise words of my father who said "check the small things," i do just that. fuse box, A-OK. Turn the knob a few times on the machine (has worked in the past), no fixy. I guess it's time for a new machine. It couldn't break after we sold the house? DAMN!

Off to Lowes I go, and purchase a lovely, plain white boring $300 dishwasher. I remove the old, install the new, flip the breaker back on, and check for leaks, and Tada...... Nothing! No lights, no swishing, NOTHING! I then notice the light switch which hides behind the coffee maker which the cleaners must have turned off on sunday.

Son of a Dishwasher!

We're keeping it.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Garden? Really

I'm trying to sell my house. This market is a bear, and I understand this, so I have been doing what I'm told. i don't like doing what I'm told. I reduced the "clutter." good boy. I had the whole house repainted. good boy. I had a new kitchen floor put in, repaired a big window that something flew into, refinished the living room floor, and had new carpet installed. good good boy.

We've had a few showings... too expensive, to inexpensive, too far out... you know same shit. BUT... when I was told the house didn't show well because it was too cluttered, I let my realtor have it. THIS HOUSE IS NOT CLUTTERED! My shed is full of all the crap. My attic is full of all the crap, and a storage unit is full of all the crap. MY HOUSE IS NOT FULL OF ALL THE CRAP! We are crapless. Then, I get told that someone loved the house, but they thought the garden needed to be thinned out a little. Really? the garden? You're buying the fucking house. Pave the garden for all I care at this point. I tore the hell out of that garden last night much to my wife's dismay. It will be made plastic, beautiful, colorful just for the likes of others. I hate this game. We've lowered our price. GRRRRRRRRR.